Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What has happened to the Oscars?

If your a movie freak/buff/lover/maniac and so on, like me, there is one day you wait for every year. This day is the Academy Awards, and also the day they reveal the nominations to the world. This year is a sad year for the Oscars. It's like they slept this whole year and woke up in November and were like "so ya, these movies that were just released are good enough." This year's best picture has some potentially great films and some that make you go why? Films that I think deserve to be in the running are: The Artist, The Descendants(which are the 2 that I think are most likely to win),Hugo and Moneyball. There are some that are good, but definitely won't win; Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and The Help. To me there are 3 that don't deserve to be in the running, which are: The Tree of Life, Midnight in Paris and War Horse( if this movie wins any awards, I think I might stab someone). Me and some other movie fiends believe the academy missed out on a few films that are far better choices then most of these. Movies such as The Ides of March, Drive, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and 50/50. I am really surprised that 50/50 didn't get nominated for any awards. Also how does Michael Fassbender not get nominated for Best Actor in Shame, but yet Jonah Hill gets nominated for Best Supporting Actor in Moneyball? It baffles my mind. To me it seems like the Artist and the Descendants will take home a lot of awards, the most going to the Artists and rightfully so. I was surprised to see that The Adventures of Tin Tin wasn't nominated for Best Animated......even though I think Rango would've had it beat, got the win surely now. Then we come to Best Original Score, which saw Trent Reznor win last year for is amazingly done score in The Social Network. He did just as good if not better in The Girl with the Dragon tattoo and some how his is not nominated? Tell me how this is possible? And how is it possible that only to Original Songs were worthy enough to be nominated? Looks like The Muppets have it this year. Lastly, How on earth did Sucker Punch not get one nomination for Art Direction or Costume Design or even Cinematography. If it were up to me Zack Synder's crew would win that almost every year. Even though its a lackluster year for the Oscars, I will still be picking my picks and will hopefully beat my girlfriend this time.  


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